- Red Smoke Bandana -2250 Valor Points, Revered with Shado-Pan - Rushi the FoxCommander Oxheart
- Soulburner Crown - Scholomance - Lilian Voss
- Windblast Helm - Siege of Niuzao Temple - Wing Leader Ner'onok
- Choker of the Klaxxi'va- 1250 Valor Points, Honored with Klaxxi - Ambersmith ZikkCommander Oxheart
- Don Guerrero's Glorious Choker- World Drop
- Scorched Scarlet Key - Scarlet Halls - Flameweaver Koegler
- Engraved Amber Pendent - Siege of Niuzao Temple - Vizier Jin'bak
- Imperion Spaulders- 1750 Valor Points, Revered with Golden Lotus - Commander Oxheart Commander Oxheart
- Fizzy Spaulders- Stormstout Brewery - Yan-Zhu the Uncasked
- Doubtridden Shoulderguards- Temple of the Jade Serpent - Sha of Doubt
- Blackguard Cape -1250 Valor, Honored with Shado-Pan - Rushi the FoxCommander Oxheart
- Wind-Soaked Drape - Temple of the Jade Serpent - Wise Mari
- Aerial Bombardment Cloak - Siege of Niuzao Temple - General Pa'valak
- Softfoot Silentwrap- 2250 Valor Points, Revered with Golden Lotus - Commander Oxheart Commander Oxheart
- Greyshadow Chestguard - Leatherworking, Recipe at Honored with Golden Lotus
- Vulajin's Vicious Breastplate - World Drop
- Korloff's Raiment - Scarlet Monastery - Brother Korloff
- Nimbletoe Chestguard - Stormstout Brewery - Ook-Ook
- Delicate Chestguard of the Golden Lotus - Golden Lotus Revered Quest
- Quillpaw Family Bracers - 1250 Valor Points, Honored with August Celestials - Sage LotusbloomSage Whiteheart Commander Oxheart
- Lightblade Bracer - Scarlet Monastery - Armsmaster Harlan
- Saboteur's Stabilizing Bracers - Gate of the Setting Sun - Saboteur Kip'tilak
- Fingers of the Loneliest Monk - 1750 Valor Points, Revered with August Celestials - Sage LotusbloomSage Whiteheart Commander Oxheart
- Greyshadow Gloves - Leatherworking, Recipe at Honored with Golden Lotus
- Hound Trainer's Gloves - Scarlet Halls - Houndmaster Braun
- Tombstone Gauntlets - Scholomance - Darkmaster Gandling
- Klaxxi Lash of the Borrower - 1750 Valor, Revered with Klaxxi - Ambersmith ZikkCommander Oxheart
- Belt of Brazen Inebriation - Stormstout Brewery - Hoptallus
- Icewrath Belt - Scholomance - Instructor Chillheart
- Dreadsworn Slayer Legs - 2250 Valor, Revered with Klaxxi - Ambersmith ZikkCommander Oxheart
- Wall-Breaker Legguards - Gate of the Setting Sun - Raigonn
- Ghostwoven Legguards - Scholomance - Jandice Barov
- Tukka-Tuk's Hairy Boots - 1750 Valor Points, Revered with August Celestials - Sage LotusbloomSage Whiteheart Commander Oxheart
- Boots of Raging Haze - Sha of Anger Quest Item
- Boots of Plummeting Death - Mogu'shan Palace - Xin the Weaponmaster
- Dashing Strike Treads - Scarlet Monastery- High Inquisitor Whitemane
- Seal of the Windreaver - Exalted with Klaxxi Shadow of the Empire.
- Anji's Keepsake - 1250 Valor Points, Honored with Golden Lotus - Commander Oxheart Commander Oxheart
- Perculia's Peculiar Signet - World Drop
- Seal of Ghoulish Glee - Halloween Event, Coming Soon
- Signet of Dancing Jade - Temple of the Jade Serpent - Liu Flameheart
- Seal of Hateful Meditation - Shado-Pan Monastery - Taran Zhu
- Pulled Grenade Pin - Gate of the Setting Sun - Saboteur Kip'tilak
- Hawkmaster's Talon - 1750 Valor Points, Revered with Shado-Pan - Rushi the FoxCommander Oxheart
- Relic of Xuen - Complete Darkmoon Tiger Deck
- Coren's Cold Chromium Coaster - Coren Direbrew, Brewfest
- Searing Words - Scholomance - Darkmaster Gandling
- Flashing Steel Talisman - Scarlet Monastery- High Inquisitor Whitemane
- Windswept Pages - Temple of the Jade Serpent - Lorewalker Stonestep
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