Dailies are terrible and now there's no limit to how many you can do. It takes about two hours to do all
of them every day, the ones that are unlocked anyways.
If you only care about gear, you can stop at revered in most
cases to have access the privilege to purchase valor gear, exalted usually gets
you a few faction mounts and vanity items.
The Anglers
Located in southern Krasarang Wilds, you can skip The
Anglers if you aren’t interested in mounts or fishing. A quest chain in
southern Dread Wastes also gives rep.
The August Celestials
You won’t be able to do these dailies until you are revered
with Golden Lotus
Valor bracers at honored. Bracer enchants, Valor boots,
gloves at revered. Pattern: Royal Satchel recipe at exalted.
The Tillers
Located in the middle of Valley of Four Winds, you can skip
The Tillers if you don’t care about mounts or vanity items. At revered you will
have access to Songbell Seed, these can be harvested daily for a mote of
harmony each.
Golden Lotus
To get started with this rep, go to vale of eternal blossoms
56, 42, and speak with Sun Tenderheartto start the questline (The Shrine of Two Moons/The Shrine of Seven Stars).
Ilvl 476 Leatherwork and Tailoring recipes, Valor rings at
honored. Valor shoulders and chest at revered.
The Klaxxi
You can get honored just from doing the entire quest line,
to get started with this go to Kil'ruk the Windreaver at 55, 35 Dread Wastes.
Valor neckpiece and ilvl 476 blacksmith recipes at honored.
Valor pants and belts unlocked at revered.
Valor Cloaks at honored. Weapon enchants, Valor Helms and
Trinkets unlocked at revered.
ILVL 489 Valor Items:
Valor pieces at honored: Bracers (August Celestial), Cloaks
(Shado-Pan), Neck (Klaxxi), Rings (Golden Lotus)
Valor pieces at revered: Boots & Gloves (August
Celestial), Shoulders & Chest (Golden Lotus), Pants & Belt (Klaxxi),
Helms & Trinkets (Shado-Pan),
ILVL 476 Recipes:
Blacksmithing (Klaxxi – Honored), Leatherwork &
Tailoring (Golden Lotus – Honored), Weapon Enchants (Shado-Pan – Revered),
Bracer Enchants (August Celestial – Revered)
A list of rewards can be found here: http://www.wowpedia.org/Mists_of_Pandaria_reputation_rewards
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